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We offer priority right from PCT/IB2019/052208 (international patent application), filing date: March 3, 2019, with priority right from Czech CZ 2018-135 with granted Czech patent No.: CZ 307886, to file national patent applications in each state or territory of member states of PCT e.g. USA, China, Europe (before European patent office), Canada, Japan, Australia, etc.

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Über uns

At BART’S, we want to make the life of parents easier so that the care for their children is more enjoyable, accessible and gentle.

We believe children to be our future. That is why we consider the care for them at their very young age as the most important thing for improving their lives.

Ich habe Interesse an einer Geschäftspartnerschaft

obrázek ocenění JIC
obrázek ocenění KBC
obrázek ocenění TMOBILE
obrázek ocenění VODAFONE